Our friend Ruth at There is no such thing as a God-forsaken town
has hostess duties this week. She asked us last week to take notice of what we are grateful for, what surprises us.

I am grateful for the many blessings in my life. For my imperfect, messy, loud, loving family. For my faith, even as I stumble my way in and out of a praxis that I have yet to let go of. For my health, mindful as I am watching my ninety-year old parents navigate the realities of aging. For the luxury of writing – the time, the technology, but more than anything the community of support I have found.

I am grateful. And at the same time, I cannot look away from the utter devastation of so many lives, dreams, homes, families, who have died or are living under the constant threat of dying. I cannot begin to understand the complexities that have led to the staggering violence that has unfolded – in the Middle East, in Africa, in Ukraine. There is plenty of despair to be found the world over.

So today, I am also grateful for the thoughtful. For those who do the hard work to see the many sides of complex issues.

They are light.

They remind me:  More often than not, there are no easy answers to difficult questions. But at least they try.

And I find hope in this.

(w)holy lost


when the world is on fire

hope drowns in hunger, mired in loss

history an albatross

profound chasm to cross, our fears

fractionate, engineer

agony –mothers’ tears outlive

butterflies, combative

without answers to give, are lost

buried in permafrost



©draft, Patricia J. Franz
November 11, 2023

in the fullness of time


when the land beneath us collapses

into darkness

when grief burns the heart

when our cries rise hollow from bodies

bereft of hope

when despair’s grip chokes us

of prayer


then will you hold a space for us

a memory of peace

re-member us –its light

cupped and kindled

in a stranger’s hands

light that might lead us

back to ourselves


©draft, Patricia J. Franz
November 20, 2023



home in lined faces, old hands

remember home a war-torn land

ever-claimed home people set apart

yearn to return home to belong

to sand, sea, sky, home free

peaceable kingdom the promise called home

©draft, Patricia J. Franz
November 22, 2023

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